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Circumstantial Evidence

Circumstantial Evidence (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1945 April, 20
68 minutes
Crime / Drama / Film-Noir
Production Company:

A young lad has his fine new hatchet confiscated by a grumpy baker. The boy's hot-headed father tries to get it back, but this results in a fight in which onlookers seem to see the father use the disputed weapon to strike and kill the baker. At the resulting murder trial, their evidence on this point becomes a matter of life-and-death. - IMDb

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Acusar um Inocente Portugal
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Circumstantial Evidence Australia
Circumstantial Evidence Canada
Circumstantial Evidence United Kingdom
Circumstantial Evidence New Zealand
Circumstantial Evidence USA
Circumstantial Evidence South Africa
Eis tin eshatin ton poinon (transliterated title) Greece
Misstänkt för dråp Sweden
Probă circumstanțială Romania
Taposta epäiltynä Finland

Children's Cast:

Scotty Beckett [15] Freddy Hanlon
Marvin Davis [13] Fatso
Billy Cummings [12] Pat Reynolds
Hugh Maguire Red
Harry McKim [15] Murray White
Leon Tyler [12] Lefty
