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The Republic of Love

The Republic of Love (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2003 September, 11
United Kingdom
95 minutes
Comedy / Drama / Romance

A story of love and enchantment set in the coldest of winters, it explores the issues, dilemmas and barriers facing the lucky and unlucky in love in the 21st Century, based on the novel of the same name by Pullitzer Prize-winning author Carol Shields. Tom is a charismatic late-night radio talk show host, whose unconventional upbringing has made him a little too quick to fall in love and marry, resulting in three divorces before the age of 40. Fay is his total opposite; her romantic ideal has not yet been attained and is unlikely ever to be due to her impossibly high expectations as a result of living with the perfection that is her parents' rock solid marriage. This unlikely pairing proves the rule that in love, there are no rules and the couple meet and fall deeply in love at first sight. All is faultless, until Fay's parents' marriage breaks down suddenly, out of nowhere, after 40 years of wedded bliss. Fay and their relationship are thrown into turmoil. Will Tom be able to persuade his naturally cautious and terminally confused fiancée to work through all the damage and chaos? The characters' connect in a maze of situations, underpinning the idea that 'geography is destiny' and that each of us has our own 'republic', where lives intersect. - IMDb

По одноименному роману Кэрол Шилдс. Том - харизматичный ведущий ночного ток-шоу на радио, который к 40 годам успел 3 раза неудачно жениться. Фэй - его полная противоположность: её романтический идеал ещё не найден, так как примером для неё служит многолетний брак её родителей.

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The Republic of Love Canada
The Republic of Love Canada
The Republic of Love United Kingdom
The Republic of Love USA

Children's Cast:

Connor Price [8] Gary Woloschuck
