This series recounts the adventures of C-3P0 and R2-D2 before they they met Luke Skywalker as they serve various masters over the years. As it turns out, their lives were no less hectic as they became involved in battles versus gangsters, pirates, the Empire and even Boba Fett on one occasion. - IMDb
Droidit | Finland |
Droids (short title) | USA |
Droids: Las aventuras de R2D2 y C3PO | Spain |
Ewoks and Droids Adventure Hour (promotional title) | USA |
Freunde im All | West Germany |
Freunde im All | West Germany |
Star Wars Droids: Las aventuras de R2D2 y C3PO (complete title) | Spain |
Star Wars: Animated Adventures - Droids | USA |
Star Wars: Aventures Animées - Droïdes | France |
Star Wars: Droïdes - Les Aventures de R2-D2 & C-3PO | France |
Star Wars: Droids | Mexico |
Star Wars: Droids | Australia |
Star Wars: Droids | Brazil |
Star Wars: Droids | Canada |
Star Wars: Droids | Canada |
Star Wars: Droids | Ecuador |
Star Wars: Droids | India |
Star Wars: Droids | Italy |
Star Wars: Droids | South Korea |
Star Wars: Droids - The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO (reissue title) | |
Star Wars: Droids - The Adventures of R2D2 and C3PO | Netherlands |
Дроиды | Soviet Union |
Звездани ратови: Дроиди | Serbia |
Ратови звезда: Дроиди | Serbia |
スター・ウォーズ ドロイドの大冒険 | Japan |
Cree Summer [16] | Princess Gerin (TV Episode: The Pirates of Tarnoonga) (1985) | |
Noam Zylberman [13] | Fidge (TV Episode: The Great Heep) (1986) |