The tale is set in 17th century Serbia in the tiny burg of Stettel, whose residents live in fear of an encroaching plague. The frightened villagers welcome the arrival of a colorful traveling troupe dubbed 'Circus of Nights,' unaware that the visiting entertainers pose a far more deadly threat: the entire company is composed of shape-shifting vampires capable of transforming themselves into animals to stalk their prey. The group's leader, the most powerful monster of the bunch, has returned to the village to exact revenge on those who murdered his cousin one hundred years earlier. Less a standard Hammer monster melodrama than a surreal journey through dark fantasy (reminiscent of Jean Rollin's erotic vampire series), with an unexpected (but not entirely inappropriate) surplus of nudity and bloodletting. The film's creepy highlights include the chilling extended prologue and scenes of vampire trapeze performers transforming into bats in mid-leap.
Таинственный цирк приезжает в маленькую деревню. Владелец цирка Эмиль намеревается отомстить за убийство повелителя вампиров Миттерхауса, случившееся там пятнадцатью годами ранее…
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 50% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 50% | 1 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
2 |
El Circo de los vampiros | Spain |
El Circo de vampiros | Argentina |
Circus der Vampire | West Germany |
Circus der Vampire | West Germany |
Het circus van der vampieren | Belgium |
Le cirque des vampires | Canada |
Le cirque des vampires | France |
Cyrk wampirów | Poland |
La gitana y el vampiro (censored version) | Chile |
La gitana y el vampiro | Mexico |
O Circo do Vampiro | Brazil |
O Circo dos Vampiros | Brazil |
O Circo dos Vampiros | Portugal |
O Vampiro e a Cigana | Brazil |
La regina dei vampiri | Italy |
Tsirko vrikolakon (transliterated title) | Greece |
Vampiercircus | Netherlands |
Vámpírcirkusz | Hungary |
Vampire Circus | Australia |
Vampire Circus | Canada |
Vampire Circus | United Kingdom |
Vampire Circus | USA |
Vampyrernas cirkus | Sweden |
Vampyyrit iskevät | Finland |
Ο χορός των φαντασμάτων | Greece |
Τσίρκο βρικολάκων | Greece |
Вампірський цирк | Ukraine |
Цирк вампиров | Soviet Union |
吸血鬼サーカス団 | Japan |
Jane Darby | Jenny Schilt | |
Roderick Shaw [13] | Jon | |
Barnaby Shaw | Gustav |