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The Mortal Storm

La hora fatal (USA)
The Mortal Storm (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1940 June, 14
100 minutes
Production Company:


Interesting to note that the film was made in 1940, 1 year before America's entry into the European war against Hitler. The movie depicts Germany in 1933. In 1938 the 'night of broken glass' took place. Interesting to note the attitudes portrayed in the film, definitely anti-Nazi. - IMDb

Bufera mortale Italy
De Dodelijke storm Belgium
Flykt undan våldet Sweden
Furtuna mortală Romania
A Halálos vihar Hungary
La hora fatal Mexico
La hora fatal USA
Ljudska oluja Croatia
The Mortal Storm Australia
The Mortal Storm Canada
The Mortal Storm United Kingdom
The Mortal Storm India
The Mortal Storm USA
Näin se alkoi Finland
Ölüm Fırtınası Turkey
Śmiertelna zawierucha Poland
Smrtonosna oluja (literal title) Yugoslavia
Tempestade Mortal Portugal
Tempestades d'Alma Brazil
La tempête qui tue France
La tempête qui tue Canada
La tempête qui tue Belgium
Tödlicher Sturm Austria
Tödlicher Sturm West Germany
Tormenta mortal Spain
Смертельный шторм Soviet Union
Смъртоносна буря Bulgaria

Children's Cast:

Gene Reynolds [17] Rudi Roth
Bonita Granville [17] Elsa
