Because of the surprising success of the "Familienglück"-series, ProSieben would like us to create more documentaries on family life: The series "We are family" is born. The format allows relevant social issues - such as parenting, Hartz IV (income assistance) or the mission of the Bundeswehr in Afghanistan - to be covered from a family-perspective, focusing on how "big politics" are handled there. "We are family" turns out to be a hit right from the beginning. It is the most successful start of a daytime-format launched by ProSieben for five years. The producers are 99pro media (over 180 broadcasts between 2005 and 2010), the South&Browse GmbH and Janus GmbH. - IMDb
We are Family! Das Promi Spezial | West Germany |
We are Family! So lebt Deutschland | West Germany |