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The Pirates of Central Park

The Pirates of Central Park (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2001 April, 1
33 minutes
Family / Short / Adventure
Production Company:

Once every so often, perhaps not often enough, we hear a story that captures our imagination, transports us to another place and time, and causes each of us to stop for a brief moment to reflect on ourselves, and the world we live in. 'The Pirates of Central Park,' a contemporary adaptation of the early Twentieth Century short story, 'The Pirate of the Round Pond' by Lord Dunsany, is such a story. Told through the eyes of three New York City kids whose thirst for power and adventure lead them to pursue a career as modern day pirates in the City's famous Central Park, the story poignantly contemplates the age old lesson of right versus wrong, and teach us all, young and old, that there is a high price to pay for seeking personal triumph in the malicious sinking of other people's hopes, dreams - and ships! - IMDb

The Pirates of Central Park USA
Пираты центрального парка Russia

Children's Cast:

Adam Lamberg [16] Mike Bromback
Jesse McCartney [13] Simon Baskin
Sasha Neulinger [11] Gopher Boy
Patrick J.P. Duffy [13] Charles 'Chas' Farrington
