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Your Kid Ate What? (TV series)

Your Kid Ate What? (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2009 August, 30
Production Company:

Follow six life-threatening incidents where kids have swallowed unusual items when nobody was watching. A boy swallows a AA battery and doctors must get it out before the acid burns a hole in his stomach. A 7-month swallows several coins and a sequin that sever her esophagus. A toddler swallows a toy car that is out of the reach of an endoscope. A toy trumpet gets stuck in a child's trachea. A girl eats dozens of rat poison pellets that can cause her to bleed to death. A boy swallows three magnets that cause his intestines to develop gangrene. - IMDb

Your Kid Ate What? USA

Children's Cast:

Christian Traeumer [10] Andrew Rivera (TV Episode: Parents' Worst Nightmare) (2010)
Caleb Alexander Cohen [3] Aubrey Gribanow / Aubrey Gribanow - Hanger (TV Episode: Rat Poison) (2009)
Zion Thames Cameron (TV Episode: Rat Poison) (2009)
