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Homeland (TV series)

Homeland (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2011 October, 2
55 minutes
Action / Drama / Mystery / Thriller

Carrie Mathison, a CIA operations officer, is on probation after carrying out an unauthorized operation in Iraq. As a result, she has been reassigned to the Counter terrorism center. Whilst in Iraq, she was warned that an American prisoner had been turned by Al-Qaeda. When Nicholas Brody, a U.S. Marine Sergeant, is rescued after being held hostage since 2003, she suspects that he is the one. While Brody is received home as a war hero, Carrie goes to any lengths necessary to catch him out. - IMDb

Domovina Croatia
Homeland Spain
Homeland France
Homeland United Kingdom
Homeland Greece
Homeland Hong Kong
Homeland Indonesia
Homeland Israel
Homeland India
Homeland India
Homeland Mexico
Homeland United Arab Emirates
Homeland Netherlands
Homeland Philippines
Homeland Poland
Homeland Sweden
Homeland Singapore
Homeland Thailand
Homeland Turkey
Homeland USA
Homeland (dubbed version) Uruguay
Homeland South Africa
Homeland Australia
Homeland Brazil
Homeland Canada
Homeland Canada
Homeland West Germany
Homeland Ecuador
Homeland Egypt
Homeland - Zradca Slovakia
HOMELAND/ホームランド Japan
Homeland: A belső ellenség Hungary
Homeland: Caccia alla spia Italy
Homeland: Reteaua terorii Romania
Isänmaan puolesta Finland
Kodumaa Estonia
Prisionero de guerra Argentina
Segurança Nacional Portugal
Svešais starp savējiem Latvia
Tėvynė Lithuania
Tổ Quốc Vietnam
V mene vlasti Slovakia
Ve jménu vlasti Czechoslovakia
Батьківщина Ukraine
Вътрешна сигурност Bulgaria
Домовина Serbia
Родина Russia
反恐危機 Taiwan
홈랜드 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Timothée Chalamet [17] Finn Walden
Jackson Pace [12] Chris Brody (TV Episode: The Star) (2011)
Morgan Saylor [17] Dana Brody (TV Episode: The Star) (2011)
Rohan Chand Issa Nazir (TV Episode: Crossfire) (2011)
Rachel St. Gelais Josie Mathison (TV Episode: Blind Spot) (2011)
Jacob Leinbach [16] Tad Groote (TV Episode: The Smile) (2012)
Lea van Acken [16] Ayla (TV Episode: The Tradition of Hospitality) (2015)
Lee Raviv Ruby (TV Episode: Trylon and Perisphere) (2014)
Joshio Marlon Steffan (TV Episode: Super Powers) (2015)
Claire Keane Franny
Joshio Marlon Steffan
