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Walk the Proud Land

Walk the Proud Land (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1956 August, 1
89 minutes
Biography / Western


Indian Agent sent to try new approach to peace with Apaches based on respect for automomy rather than submission to Army. Wins over reservation chiefs and the Indian widow (Bancroft) given to him as housekeeper. Through use of diplomacy and demonstrations of faith in Apache leaders, reservation is put on the road to automomy. Conflicts arise between Apache widow and Eastern wife but latter has a lot to learn. - IMDb

Apache Agent  
Det stolte land Norway
Fronteiras do Orgulho Portugal
Grandeza India Chile
Grandeza India Mexico
Han vågade livet Sweden
L'homme de San Carlos Canada
L'homme de San Carlos France
Honra de Selvagem Brazil
Hvid mands lov Denmark
Het land der avanturen Belgium
O anypotaktos arhigos (transliterated title) Greece
Pamantul orgoliului (literal translation of working title) Romania
Ritt in den Tod Austria
Ritt in den Tod West Germany
La terra degli Apaches Italy
Terre d'aventure Belgium
La tierra del orgullo Argentina
La tierra del orgullo Spain
Valmiina kuolemaan Finland
Walk the Proud Land Australia
Walk the Proud Land Canada
Walk the Proud Land United Kingdom
Walk the Proud Land USA
Прогулка по гордой земле Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Eugene Mazzola [8] Tono
