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Haven (TV series)

Haven (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2010 July, 9
60 minutes
Crime / Drama / Fantasy / Horror / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Thriller


She has no past. She has no family. She was raised in an orphanage. So, she lives for what she does best: be an FBI agent. That's why Audrey Parker is sent to a distant Maine village called Haven, to investigate the crime of a prison fugitive. What she does not know, is that her past is connected to that village, that old threats from the past are coming back, and she is going to be a central piece on everyone's life... or death. - IMDb

Haven Spain
Haven France
Haven United Kingdom
Haven Hungary
Haven Indonesia
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Haven India
Haven Italy
Haven Mexico
Haven Netherlands
Haven United Arab Emirates
Haven Philippines
Haven Poland
Haven Sweden
Haven Singapore
Haven Turkey
Haven USA
Haven South Africa
Haven Australia
Haven Brazil
Haven Canada
Haven Canada
Haven West Germany
Haven Ecuador
Haven Egypt
Mestečko Haven Slovakia
Městečko Haven Czechoslovakia
Les mystères de Haven France
Thị Trấn Haven Vietnam
Мистерије Хејвена Serbia
Тайны Хейвена Russia
Хейвън Bulgaria
ヘイヴン-謎の潜む町- Japan
헤이븐 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Connor Price [17] Henry Stillman (TV Episode: Friend or Faux) (2011)
Niamh Wilson [14] Hadley Chambers (TV Episode: Silent Night) (2011)
Bailey Maughan Late Kid (TV Episode: Audrey Parker's Day Off) (2011)
Ricardo Hoyos [15] Bobby Mueller (TV Episode: Butterfly) (2010)
Connor Leif Charron Boy #2 (TV Episode: The Tides That Bind) (2011)
Jordan Poole Young Garland Wuornos (TV Episode: Sarah) (2012)
Kiara Glasco [11] Ginger Danvers (TV Episode: Burned) (2012)
