While US president Barrett opens a school bearing his name, his inseparable dog Teddy gets lost in the commotion when a gun is fired at its master. To avoid a press scandal, the matter is kept discrete. The dog wanders off to a country orphanage, where Teddy chooses as new master Danny Milbright, a shy boy who never seems to be considered for adoption but has a strong sense of justice, impelling him to return Teddy to his master. It proves an eventful journey all the way to D.C. - IMDb
На каком-то мероприятии потерялся Тедди, пес президента США. Он отправляется в захватывающее путешествие и, наконец, становится другом Дэнни Милбрехта, ребенка, живущего в семейном детском доме. Когда Дэнни узнает, что его четвероногий друг - это "первая собака" страны, он убегает из дома с целью вернуть Тедди в Белый дом, потому что это "правильный поступок".
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 50% | 1 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 50% | 1 |
6 | 0% | 0 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
2 |
Başkanın Köpeği | Turkey |
Az Elnöki kutya | Hungary |
Az Első kutya | Hungary |
First Dog | Australia |
First Dog | Canada |
First Dog | Spain |
First Dog | United Kingdom |
First Dog | USA |
First dog - Un presidente a quattro zampe | Italy |
First Dog - Zurück nach Hause | West Germany |
Meu Querido Vira-Lata | Brazil |
O cão do Presidente | Portugal |
Pies nr 1 | Poland |
Un cane alla Casa Bianca | Italy |
Un chien à la Maison Blanche | France |
Первый пёс | Russia |
Перший пес держави | Ukraine |
John-Paul Howard | Danny Milbright | |
Rayna Sheftman [8] | Foster Child | |
Chris Houle | Foster Child | |
Mateo Garnica | Foster Child | |
Bridgett Maria | Barrett Elementary School | |
Danielle Dukes | Barrett Elementary School | |
Chase Ross | Barrett Elementary School | |
Cole Griffin | Barrett Elementary School | |
Josh Carvalho | Barrett Elementary School | |
Stephen Dukes | Barrett Elementary School | |
Brandon Grose | Barrett Elementary School | |
Paul Bjork Jr. | Barrett Elementary School | |
Geoffrey Elliot | Barrett Elementary School | |
Ashley Hooks | Barrett Elementary School | |
Michael Dukes | Barrett Elementary School | |
Hayden Fisher | Barrett Elementary School | |
James Hasbany | Barrett Elementary School | |
Michelle Majjasie | Barrett Elementary School | |
Marlene Mooney | Barrett Elementary School | |
Joey Heiser | Barrett Elementary School |