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Untel père et fils

The Heart of a Nation (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1943 April, 7
113 minutes
Drama / War
Production Company:

The story of how the people of Paris cope with the strains and struggles of war, from the siege of the city by the Prussians during the Franco-Prussian War of 1871 to the invasion by the Germans in World War II. - IMDb

A Alma de Uma Nação Portugal
Esta Francia vivirá otra vez Mexico
Familie Froment Austria
França Eterna Brazil
La grande relève France
Három nemzedék Hungary
The Heart of a Nation USA
The Heart of a Nation South Africa
The Heart of a Nation United Kingdom
En nasjons hjerte Norway
En nations Hjerte Denmark
Onsterfelijk Frankrijk Netherlands
La relève France
Rodzina Froment Poland
Under trikoloren Sweden
Untel père et fils France
わが父わが子 Japan

Children's Cast:

Jean Claudio [16] Félix enfant
