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The Inn of the Sixth Happiness

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1958 November, 23
158 minutes
Biography / Drama / War
Production Company:


Video (1)

Photos (1)

All her life Englishwoman Gladys Aylward knew that China was the place where she belonged. Not qualified to be sent there as a missionary, Gladys works as a domestic to earn the money to send herself to a poor, remote village. There she eventually lives a full and happy life: running the inn, acting as "foot inspector", advising the local Mandarin and even winning the heart of mixed race Captain Lin Nan. But Gladys discovers her real destiny when the country is invaded by Japan and the Chinese children need her to save their lives. Based on a true story. - IMDb

1930-е годы. Молодая англичанка Глэдис Эйлуорд, всегда мечтавшая о миссионерской деятельности, отправляется в Китай. Девушке не страшны грязь, нищета и тяжкий труд. Она хочет помогать нуждающимся людям и проповедовать свою веру. В Китае миссионерка сталкивается с враждебностью и недоверием местного населения. Преодолев множество преград и испытаний, Глэдис открывает постоялый двор для уставших и голодных путников и завоевывает любовь и уважение простых китайцев…

El Albergue de la sexta felicidad Spain
L'auberge du sixième bonheur France
Gospoda szczęścia Poland
Gospoda szóstego dobrodziejstwa Poland
Gostišče šestih sreč Slovenia
Hanul celei de-a şasea fericiri Romania
A Hatodik Boldogság fogadója Hungary
De Herberg van het zesde geluk (literal translation of working title) Netherlands
Die Herberge zur sechsten Glückseligkeit West Germany
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness Australia
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness Canada
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness United Kingdom
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness New Zealand
The Inn of the Sixth Happiness USA
Kuudennen onnen majatalo Finland
La locanda della 6ª felicità Italy
La locanda della sesta felicità Italy
A Morada da Sexta Felicidade Brazil
La posada de la sexta felicidad Argentina
La posada de la sexta felicidad Mexico
A Pousada da Sexta Felicidade Portugal
Sjette lykkes kro Denmark
Sürgün yolu Turkey
Svratište šeste sreće Croatia
To pandoheion tis 6is eftyhias (transliterated title) Greece
Värdshuset sjätte lyckan Sweden
Vertshuset Den sjette lykke Norway
Το πανδοχείο της 6ης ευτυχίας Greece
Домът на Шестото щастие Bulgaria
Постоялый двор шестой степени счастья Soviet Union
六番目の幸福 Japan
六福客棧 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Philip Needs [8] Little boy on train,
