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Les perles de la couronne

The Pearls of the Crown (USA)
Sacha Guitry's The Pearls of the Crown (Les perles de la couronne) (USA: video box title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1937 May, 12
118 minutes
Comedy / History
Production Company:

Three narrators (French writer Jean Martin, an English royal equerry, and a papal chamberlain) tell the story of seven matched pearls, four of them now in the British Crown. Episodes whirl us from Pope Clement VII to Mary Queen of Scots, from whom the pearls are stolen while she's occupied with the headsman. Historic events are seasoned with sly, satiric humor, and famous beauties are portrayed by stunning actresses. Then the narrators meet, and decide to try tracing the three unrecovered pearls from 1587 to the present... - IMDb

As Pérolas da Coroa Brazil
As Pérolas da Coroa Portugal
Le collier de perles France
L'histoire merveilleuse de sept perles fines France
İngiltere Tacının İncileri Turkey
Kronans pärlor Sweden
Kronens perler Norway
Kronens Perler Denmark
Kronski biseri Yugoslavia
Kronski biseri Slovenia
Krunski biseri Croatia
Krunski biseri Yugoslavia
Krunski biseri (literal title) Yugoslavia
Kruunun helmet Finland
Las perlas de la corona Spain
Las siete perlas de la corona (original subtitled version) Argentina
The Pearls of the Crown USA
Le perle della corona Italy
Die Perlen der Krone Austria
Die Perlen der Krone West Germany
Les perles de la corona Spain
Les perles de la couronne France
Les perles de la couronne Japan
Perły korony Poland
Sacha Guitry's The Pearls of the Crown (Les perles de la couronne) (video box title) USA
Les sept perles de la couronne France
A Szerelem gyöngyei Hungary
Ta margaritaria tou stemmatos (transliterated title) Greece
Die Wunderbare Geschichte der sieben Perlen Austria
Τα μαργαριτάρια του στέμματος Greece
Жемчужины короны Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Paulette Élambert [14] Catherine de Medicis enfant
