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Zire darakhatan zeyton

Through the Olive Trees (Australia)
Under the Olive Trees (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1994 February, 1
103 minutes

Video (1)

Photos (1)

The movie focuses on one of the events in Zendegi Edame Darad (1992), and explores the relationship between the movie director, and the actors. The local actors play a couple who got married right after the earthquake. In reality, the actor is trying to persuade the actress that they should get married. - IMDb

Фильм рассказывает об отношениях между кинорежиссёром и актерами. Местные актеры играют пару, которая женилась прямо после землетрясения. Фильм показывает жизнь простых людей в сельской местности ортодоксального Ирана.

Através das Oliveiras Brazil
Através das Oliveiras Portugal
Au travers des oliviers Canada
Au travers des oliviers France
Doorheen de olijfbomen (informal literal title) Netherlands
Kroz maslinjake Serbia
Kroz stabla masline Croatia
Az Olajligeten át Hungary
Oliivipuiden katveessa Finland
Orîbu no Hayashi o Nukete Japan
Per alyvmedziu giraite Lithuania
Pod olivovníkmi Slovakia
Pod olivovníky Czechoslovakia
Pod oliwkami Poland
Quer durch den Olivenhain West Germany
Sotto gli ulivi Italy
Through the Olive Trees Australia
Through the Olive Trees Canada
Through the Olive Trees United Kingdom
Through the Olive Trees USA
Through the Olive Trees  
A Través de los olivos Argentina
A Través de los olivos Spain
A Través de los olivos (original subtitled version) Uruguay
Under oliventrea Norway
Under olivträden Sweden
Under the Olive Trees USA
Zeytin Ağaçları Altında Turkey
Zir-e derakhtan-e zeytoon (alternative spelling) Iran
Zire darakhatan zeyton Ecuador
Zire darakhatan zeyton Iran
Μέσα απ' τα λιόδεντρα Greece
Μέσα στους ελαιώνες Greece
Под маслиновите дръвчета Bulgaria
Сквозь оливы Russia
オリーブの林をぬけて Japan
橄欖樹下的情人 Taiwan