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Ukikusa monogatari

A Story of Floating Weeds (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1934 November, 23
86 minutes
Production Company:

A troupe of actors comes to town, short on funds and bedeviled by bad weather, so they can't put on shows. Kihachi is the troupe's leader. He steals off every day to visit Otsune (an ex-lover) and their son, Shinkichi, who believes his father is a long-dead civil servant. Kihachi has been paying Shinkichi's tuition, and he's now at university. Kihachi's lover, Otaka, the troupe's lead actress, learns Kihachi's secret and plots to ruin Shinkichi and humiliate Kihachi: she offers money to Otoki, the troupe's ingénue, to seduce Shinkichi. Soon the boy is head over heels, and Otoki finds herself with feelings for him. Can this end well or is tragedy at hand? - IMDb

Histoire d'herbes flottantes Canada
Histoire d'herbes flottantes France
Histoire d'un acteur ambulant France
Història d'una herba errant Spain
Historia de hierbas flotantes Mexico
Historia de la hierba errante Argentina
Historia de las hierbas flotantes Spain
Opowieść dryfujących trzcin Poland
Storia di erbe fluttuanti Italy
A Story of Floating Weeds  
A Story of Floating Weeds Canada
A Story of Floating Weeds United Kingdom
A Story of Floating Weeds USA
A Story of Floating Weeds  
Ukigusa monogatari (alternative transliteration) Japan
Uma História de Ervas Flutuantes Brazil
A Vízsodorta fűszálak története Hungary
Der Wanderschauspieler West Germany
Повесть о плавучей траве Soviet Union
浮草物語 Japan

Children's Cast:

Tomio Aoki [11] Tomi-boh
