GHOST TREK follows the Paranormal Underworld Detective Society (PUDS) as they investigate haunts across the U.S. and abroad between tanning beds, babes, body-building, and bong hits - all the while risking life and limb capturing the undead on video. GHOST TREK is lead by Dr. Zeke Wallace (Michael Melendez), a good-looking ex-chiropractor turned paranormal investigator, who is living in New York with his girlfriend, Shawna Leibowitz (Gia Allemand) who is also the show's producer. Scary Carrie Carmichael (Christy Johnson), the "Living-Dead Roller-Girl", pines away as the GHOST TREK case manager as Harvey Goldman (Michael Plumides), The Executive Producer, forbids her face time due to her freakish outward appearance. The other PUDS investigators are: Barry 'The Bomb' Burkowski and Joey 'Mayhem' Moscone (affectionately called The Goon Squad), two ex-wrestlers from New Jersey who hung up their tights for a paying gig (Glenn Gilbertti and Scott Colton).The fashion-conscious psychic, Guy Swisher (Brett Gentile), is comedic genius incarnate. The team's tech specialists and devoted party monsters are Robbie (Michael Bortone) and Ray-Ray (Jonny Fairplay). Weasel is the kleptomaniac "emo" cameraman (Kevin Johnson). The 'newbie', Jules Partridge, (Julia Bullock) is the "investigator in training" chosen by the network marketing department. Svetlana Markovska (Cora Deitz) is the mysterious Russian softcore model Zeke has the hots for. - IMDb