Hoping to overthrow his brother as ruler of the planet Metropolis, the evil Graal enlists the help of the insane Dr. Kraspin, who has invented a chemical capable of turning an ordinary person into a perfect soldier. They test this chemical on the pilot Golob, turning the unsuspecting victim into a mindless but indestructable automaton possessing superhuman strength. The people of Metropolis must somehow outwit Graal before he can create an army of these soldiers, or their planet will be destroyed. - IMDb
Cosmos King | Italy |
Humanoid | Philippines |
The Humanoid | Australia |
The Humanoid | Canada |
The Humanoid | United Kingdom |
The Humanoid | USA |
El Humanoide | Spain |
El Humanoide | Mexico |
L'humanoïde | France |
Humanoidi | Finland |
Kampf um die 5. Galaxis | West Germany |
O Humanóide | Brazil |
O Humanóide | Portugal |
Robot mennesket (video box title) | Norway |
Robotkriget | Sweden |
Ta anthropoeidi saronoun ti Gi (transliterated title) | Greece |
L'umanoide | Italy |
Uzay Kartalları | Turkey |
Гуманоид | Soviet Union |
Marco Yeh | Tom Tom |