They were two lonely, lost teenagers. Rita (Elena Polyakova, 18), a small-town girl alone in an unfamiliar busy city and Mute (Aleksandr Yakin), a 13 year old boy who makes his living on the streets and sleeps in a Greenhouse. Upon Rita's arrival at the Moscow train station her baggage is stolen. She has no papers, no money and she doesn't know the address of her new friend. But it is mute who comes to her rescue and cares for her. Interesting relationship film! Some suprising and tender moments. Recommended! - i_am_a_banana
Он называл себя царским именем Рамзес, хотя для всех окрестных бомжей был Немым, потому что изображал глухонемого с протянутой рукой на Павелецком вокзале. В свои 12 лет он не успел ожесточиться, и когда провинциальная девушка Рита поведала ему свою печальную историю, Рамзес недолго думая, приютил ее в собственном закутке – в оранжерее при доме культуры. Первая любовь делает из человека зомби, и мальчишка готов на все – воровство, вооруженное ограбление – лишь бы сделать Риту счастливой.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 20% | 5 |
9 | 4% | 1 |
8 | 32% | 8 |
7 | 20% | 5 |
6 | 4% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 4% | 1 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 16% | 4 |
25 |
Efekt cieplarniany | Poland |
The Greenhouse Effect | |
Парниковый эффект | Russia |
有所美丽的房子,在那遥远的山坡 | China |
Andrey Khalimon [15] | boy | |
Aleksandr Yakin [15] | Nemoy | |
Taras Sakhno [12] | Andrei |
21 Dec 2012, 20:11
This gem of a movie took me completely by surprise . Expecting a budgeted Russian or Eastern European Block movie , I saw this movie as any mainsteam " Hollywood" film . Well produced , directed , acted , camera work, et all around fine movie . I who hasn't an ear for languages , would not have to read the subtitles to understand the movie . I will not write a synopsis...already been done ...better than I could . I just wanted to write this as an encouragement for any who have not yet seen this movie , to do yourself a treat and make an extra effort to locate , purchase or whatever it takes and view a movie that is well worth watching. Rating: 8/10 |