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Primeval: New World (TV series)

Primeval: New World (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2012 October, 29
United Kingdom
42 minutes
Action / Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi

A North American spin-off of the hit U.K. television series, PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD follows a specialized team of animal experts and scientists that investigates the appearance of temporal anomalies and battles both prehistoric and futuristic creatures. - IMDb

Őslények kalandorai: Új világ Hungary
Les portes du temps: un nouveau monde France
Pravěk: Nový svět Czechoslovakia
Primeval: El nuevo mundo Spain
Primeval: El Nuevo Mundo Ecuador
Primeval: Invasión Jurásica Mexico
Primeval: Invasión Jurásica Venezuela
Primeval: Invasión jurásica Argentina
Primeval: New World Singapore
Primeval: New World USA
Primeval: New World South Africa
Primeval: New World Australia
Primeval: New World Canada
Primeval: New World Canada
Primeval: New World West Germany
Primeval: New World United Kingdom
Primeval: New World Italy
Primeval: New World Mexico
Primeval: New World Philippines
Siły pierwotne: Nowy świat Poland
Záhady praveku: Nový svet Slovakia
Портал юрского периода: Новый мир Russia
Посетиоци из праискона: Нови свет Serbia
ジュラシック・ニューワールド Japan
プライミーバル:ニューワールド Japan
远古入侵:新世界 China
远古入侵:新纪元 China

Children's Cast:

Michael Strusievici [11] Trevor (TV Episode: The New World) (2012)
