Kapo is a black and white film that tells the story of a Jewish teenager sent to a concentration camp together with her parents. She manages to survive with the help of a Jewish doctor who gives her the identity of another woman who had died recently. Thus, Edith becomes Nicole and she is no longer a Jew, at least not in the papers. At first she is very sad about her parents' death but as time passed she realized she had to get out of that mood if she wanted to survive. So, she accepts an affair with a German officer even if she is only 14 and she starts getting privileges, becoming with time a Kapo, one of the women prisoners who were in charge with disciplining the other women. She knows it's the only way to survive but same time she lives in deep remorse even though she never shows any feelings. - IMDb
Случается так, что Эдит, девушка из приличной еврейской семьи и увлекающаяся музыкой попадает в женский концетрационный лагерь смерти, в котором царят жестокие законы выживания... Она будет делать все, чтобы выжить, даже присоединится к врагу. Стать Капо, относится к сотрудникам лагеря смерти, которые набрались из бывших преступников, чтобы руководить другими заключенных в обмен на привилегии. Что ее ждет и превратится ли она в зверя, который готов убивать всё и всех?...
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 29% | 2 |
6 | 14% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 14% | 1 |
2 | 29% | 2 |
1 | 14% | 1 |
7 |
Helvetet bakom taggtråd (reissue title) | Sweden |
Kapo | USA |
Kapo | West Germany |
Kapo | Yugoslavia |
Kapò | France |
Kapò | Italy |
Kapo | Argentina |
Kapo | United Kingdom |
Kapo (reissue title) | Greece |
Kapo | Croatia |
Kapo | Iran |
Kapo | Mexico |
Kapo | Poland |
Kapo | Sweden |
Kapo - håndlanger for SS | Denmark |
Kapo - keskitysleirin vartija | Finland |
A Kápó | Hungary |
Kapo/Капо | Yugoslavia |
Kapò: Uma História do Holocausto | Brazil |
Sklavoi horis alysides (transliterated title) | Greece |
Σκλάβοι χωρίς αλυσίδες | Greece |
Капо | Bulgaria |
Капо | Soviet Union |
Капо (new title) | Ukraine |
Капо/Kapo | Serbia |
ゼロ地帯 | Japan |
戦慄のナチ収容所 | Japan |