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Beyond (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2012 January, 30
90 minutes
Production Company:

In Alaska, the veteran police detective Jon Koski is near retirement and is a specialist in missing children. Koski is troubled by a failure in his past and is haunted by nightmares with a woman and the little girl Aurora. When the seven year-old girl Amy Noble is abducted, Koski is assigned to the case by his chief Jack Musker, who is the uncle of the child. Amy lives with her parents, Musker's sister Sarah Noble and her estranged husband Jim Noble, who is an executive in oil business and former DA, and had an affair with his secretary seven years ago. Koski interrogates Amy's nanny Megan and she presents the psychic Farley Connors that is the host of the TV show Beyond. Farley becomes Koski's prime suspect but soon they team up to resolve the case. - IMDb

Этот фильм о семилетней девочке, похищенной из своей спальни зимней ночью. Во время расследования детектив полиции сталкивается с загадочным медиумом, которая утверждает, что видела пропавшую девочку. Тянуть с расследованием никак нельзя, каждый день может стать последним для ребенка, и детектив соглашается прибегнуть к помощи потусторонних сил.

Beyond United Kingdom
Beyond USA
Beyond - Die rätselhafte Entführung der Amy Noble West Germany
Disparition inquiétante France
Do Além Brazil
Do Outro Lado Portugal
Ghost Vision  
Más allá Spain
Psychic (DVD box title) France
За гранью Russia
Отвъд Bulgaria

Children's Cast:

Dharbi Jens Amy + Add'l Voices (voice, uncredited)
Kai Paris Josh the kidnapped boy
Chloe Lesslie Amy Noble
Gabrielle Elyse Thompson Aurora
Samuel Mason Paul Young Baxter
