Multiple stories involving the affects of bullying. Do you believe that life has a purpose for everyone? That it puts you on a path that you just have to follow, no matter how bad it gets, because you can never see where the next mile takes you. A look at the cruel reality of a worldwide problem that even the world seem to ignore. Unspoken is based on multiple heartbreaking and tragic stories involving the affects of bullying. A school gang targets Adam, a young shy school kid who only wants friends in his life. Unable to speak up or stand up for himself, he has no one to turn to except for his new next door neighbor Rose, a talented young singer. But unknown to Adam, Rose has her own story of peer pressure. Another story follows a single Dad, Harry who has his own battle at work. After his hurtful days, he takes it out on his son Matty. Mattys ambition of an aspiring artist takes a turn for the worst as he gets into deep trouble after meeting an old friend from the past. A tragic conclusion takes place, as lives are torn apart and ruined in every aspect because of the affects of bullying. - IMDb