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Norma Jean & Marilyn (TV)

Norma Jean & Marilyn (United Kingdom)
Norma Jean and Marilyn (USA: video box title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1996 May, 18
United Kingdom
139 minutes
Biography / Drama
Production Company:


In this film, Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino portray two sides of the woman America loved, but who struggled to love herself: Marilyn Monroe. To the world, Marilyn was a vivacious superstar, the epitome of sexuality, sensuality and frolicsome amusement. Every man wanted her - every woman wanted to be her. But behind the enticing smile, beneath the tight-fitting dresses, there was a dark secret - one Marilyn could not bury in the past... the child inside named Norma Jean. Everything Norma Jean dreams of, Marilyn achieves. Every man she struggles to resist, Marilyn succumbs to. And while Marilyn climbs the ladder to success, Norma Jean was beneath it, almost willing her to fall. - IMDb

Marilyn - Ihr Leben West Germany
Norma Jean & Marilyn United Kingdom
Norma Jean & Marilyn (theatrical title) Greece
Norma Jean and Marilyn Spain
Norma Jean and Marilyn (video box title) USA
Norma Jean e Marilyn Italy
Norma Jean e Marilyn Portugal
Norma Jean és Marilyn Hungary
Norma Jean ja Marilyn Finland
Norma Jean y Marilyn Argentina
Norma Jean y Marilyn Spain
A Verdadeira História de Marilyn Monroe Brazil
Норма Джийн и Мерилин Bulgaria
Норма Джин и Мэрилин Russia
ノーマ・ジーンとマリリン Japan

Children's Cast:

Kelsey Mulrooney [8] Child Norma Jean
