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The Leftovers (TV series)

The Leftovers (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2014 June, 29
60 minutes
Drama / Fantasy / Mystery
Production Company:

Revolves around mysterious disappearances, world-wide, and specifically follows a group of people who are left behind in the suburban community of Mapleton. They must begin to rebuild their lives after the loss of more than 100 million people. - IMDb

Allesjäänud Estonia
Cei rămaşi Romania
A Hátrahagyottak Hungary
The Leftovers - Svaniti nel nulla Italy
The Leftovers Spain
The Leftovers Finland
The Leftovers France
The Leftovers United Kingdom
The Leftovers Hong Kong
The Leftovers Indonesia
The Leftovers Israel
The Leftovers India
The Leftovers India
The Leftovers South Korea
The Leftovers United Arab Emirates
The Leftovers Mexico
The Leftovers Netherlands
The Leftovers Philippines
The Leftovers Sweden
The Leftovers Singapore
The Leftovers Thailand
The Leftovers Turkey
The Leftovers USA
The Leftovers South Africa
The Leftovers Australia
The Leftovers Brazil
The Leftovers Canada
The Leftovers Canada
The Leftovers West Germany
The Leftovers Ecuador
The Leftovers Egypt
LEFTOVERS/残された世界 Japan
Pozostalí Slovakia
Pozostawieni Poland
Pozůstalí Czechoslovakia
Preostali Croatia
Залишені Ukraine
Остављени Serbia
Оставленные Russia
Останалите Bulgaria
अवशेष, जूठन (alternative transliteration) India
末世餘生 Taiwan

Children's Cast:

Antonio Ortiz [15] Donnie (TV Episode: Gladys) (2014)
Casey Roberts Science Fair Kid (TV Episode: The Garveys at Their Best) (2014)
Tristan Riggs Mary's Son (TV Episode: The Book of Kevin) (2017)
Aimee Laurence Amanda (TV Episode: Gladys) (2014)
Kaelynn Wright [15] Homeless Girl (TV Episode: The Book of Kevin) (2017)
Darby Camp [8] Young Patti Levin (TV Episode: International Assassin) (2015)
Carter Sand Young Kevin on Tape (TV Episode: Crazy Whitefella Thinking) (2017)
Cruz Rodriguez Preschooler at Playground (TV Episode: Guest) (2014)
Samantha Hlavacek Preschooler (TV Episode: Solace for Tired Feet) (2014)
