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National Lampoon's Pucked (USA: complete title)
National Lampoon's The Trouble with Frank (USA: complete title)
Pre Approved (USA)
Pucked (United Kingdom)
The Trouble with Frank (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2006 February, 10
83 minutes
Comedy / Sport
$ 3 500 000

Frank Hopper (Bon Jovi) is a former lawyer, long-term loser and constant dreamer - and frankly, probably just not all that bright. When he receives a credit card in the mail, he believes he's hit the jackpot. It's not long before he's working his way toward financing his dream - an all-woman hockey team. He's also put himself in debt to the tune of more than $300,000. Naturally, he winds up in court when his plan backfires. - IMDb

Сумасбродная комедия от команды National Lampoon («Европейские каникулы», «Переполох в общаге»). Хронический неудачник Фрэнк Хоппер, получив по почте некую кредитную карту, считает, что выиграл огромный денежный приз, и приступает к осуществлению своей мечты – созданию женской сборной по хоккею.

National Lampoon's Pucked (complete title) USA
National Lampoon's The Trouble with Frank (complete title) USA
Pre Approved USA
Puckad Sweden
Pucked West Germany
Pucked United Kingdom
Pucked India
Pucked USA
The Trouble with Frank USA
Шайбу! Шайбу! Russia

Children's Cast:

Zac Gardner [11] Stanley
Jonathan Furr Nick
