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Jingle All the Way 2 (Video)

Jingle All the Way 2 (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2014 October, 29
93 minutes
Comedy / Family
$ 5 000 000


Video (1)

Photos (3)

Two desperate dads compete in a no-holds-barred battle to be the best father and make this the best Christmas ever. Fun-loving, laid-back dad Larry is having a bear of a time finding the perfect Christmas gift for his eight-year-old daughter, Noel. The season's hottest toy, The Harrison Bear, is all sold out, and Noel's new stepfather wants to keep it that way - so he can be the one to make her holiday wish come true. When Larry learns all Noel wants for Christmas is the bear, he'll stop at nothing to make his little girl happy and get her the toy of her dreams. - IMDb

Ларри, родной отец восьмилетней Ноэль, и ее новый отчим соревнуются за звание лучшего отца и пытаются сделать грядущее Рождество незабываемым для девочки.

2 μπαμπάδες, μα τι μπαμπάδες! Greece
Babam Söz Verdi 2 Turkey
Bjelleklang 2 Norway
La course au jouet 2 France
La course au jouet 2 Canada
Goana dupa cadou 2 Romania
La guerra dei papà Italy
Hull a pelyhes 2. Hungary
Jingle All the Way 2 United Kingdom
Jingle All the Way 2 USA
Mission: Julegave 2 Denmark
O Tesouro de Natal 2 Portugal
Otro padre en apuros Spain
Rolničky, kam se podíváš 2 Czech Republic
Świąteczna gorączka 2 Poland
Tiliseb, tiliseb 2 Estonia
Turbo tata 2 Serbia
Um Herói de Brinquedo 2 Brazil
Versprochen ist versprochen 2 West Germany
Všade samé zvončeky 2 Slovakia
Δύο μπαμπάδες, μα τι μπαμπάδες! (alternative spelling) Greece
Коледата невъзможна 2 Bulgaria
Подарок на Рождество 2 Russia
Подарунок на Різдво 2 Ukraine
ジングル・オール・ザ・ウェイ2 Japan

Children's Cast:

Gracyn Shinyei Little Girl
Jesse Filkow Boy - Toy Store
