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My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1987 September, 4
140 minutes
Drama / Family
Production Company:

Ritesh has established himself well as a movie actor and producer within the people of his community. But eventually his career starts fading and this has had a tremendous toll on his marriage life with his wife Pooja leaving him. With no aim left in life Ritesh takes to alcohol and is forced to sell all his possessions to compensate his dues taken as an actor. His only penchant for solute is his young son, Romi - who also won't be there for long as he is diagnose with cancer and does not have long to live. - IMDb

Ритеш - неудавшийся актер, который опустился на самое дно и погибает от пьянства. Пуджа, его жена, также давно ни во что не верит. Она перебивается случайными заработками и работает то уборщицей, то посудомойкой. Но главное их несчастье - их смертельно больной сын Роми…

Kaash India
Kaash (alternative spelling) India

Children's Cast:

Master Makrand Romi
