Set in the near future, Colony centers on a family headed up by Holloway and Callies who must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together while trying to survive. They live in L.A., which has been occupied by a force of outside intruders. While some people have chosen to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, others have rebelled and suffer the consequences. - IMDb
В ближайшем будущем семья пытается спасти жителей оккупированного Лос-Анджелеса. Бывший агент ФБР Уилл Боумэн и его супруга Кейти пробуют вернуть сына. Уилл готов работать на новое правительство, тогда как многие в городе поддерживают повстанцев. Лидер режима Прокси Снайдер предлагает Уиллу сделку, которая изменит их жизнь и заставит семью пойти на большой риск.
Colonia | Venezuela |
Colony | Spain |
Colony | France |
Colony | United Kingdom |
Colony | Indonesia |
Colony | Israel |
Colony | India |
Colony | India |
Colony | Italy |
Colony | Japan |
Colony | Mexico |
Colony | United Arab Emirates |
Colony | Netherlands |
Colony | Philippines |
Colony | Poland |
Colony | Sweden |
Colony | Singapore |
Colony | Thailand |
Colony | Turkey |
Colony | USA |
Colony | South Africa |
Colony | Australia |
Colony | Brazil |
Colony | Canada |
Colony | Canada |
Colony | West Germany |
Colony | Ecuador |
Colony | Egypt |
Kolónia | Hungary |
Kolonija | Lithuania |
Αποικία | Greece |
Колонија | Serbia |
Колония | Bulgaria |
Колония | Russia |
失蹤圍城 | Hong Kong |
殖民地 | Taiwan |
콜로니 | South Korea |
Elijah Nelson [17] | Keith (TV Episode: Broussard) (2016) | |
Aedin Mincks [16] | Alex (TV Episode: Pilot) (2016) | |
Jacob Buster [13] | Charlie Bowman (TV Episode: Gateway) (2016) | |
Jett Klyne [9] | Splinter Boy (TV Episode: Sierra Maestra) (2018) | |
Scarlet Spencer | Becca (TV Episode: The Garden of Beasts) (2017) | |
Elisha Henig [12] | Harris (TV Episode: Gateway) (2016) | |
Liam Hughes | Owen (TV Episode: 3.2) (2016) | |
Jackson A. Dunn | Dino (TV Episode: Somewhere Out There) (2017) | |
Isabella Crovetti | Gracie Bowman | |
Cooper J. Friedman | Hudson | |
Forrest Rozitis | Teen #3 (TV Episode: The Emerald City) (2018) |