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October Kiss (TV)

October Kiss (USA)
Temporarily Yours (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2015 October, 17
Comedy / Drama

Poppy Summerall finds it hard to commit - to a man, to a job, you name it. Someone points out to her how good she is with kids, so she hires herself out as a nanny to a workaholic widower with two children. She teaches them all how powerful and joyful love and everyday occurrences can be. - IMDb

Bacio d'ottobre Italy
Beso de octubre Spain
Egy Forró őszi csók Hungary
Una nanny muy especial Spain
La nouvelle nounou France
October Kiss Canada
October Kiss USA
Oktobrski poljub Slovenia
Sarut de octombrie Romania
Temporarily Yours USA
Un beso en otoño Spain
Новата бавачка Bulgaria
Октобарски пољубац Serbia
Октябрьский поцелуй Russia
十月之吻 China

Children's Cast:

Connor Fielding Steve
Owen Fielding Rob
Kiefer O'Reilly Zach
Hannah Cheramy Zoe
