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The Snows of Kilimanjaro

Ernest Hemingway's The Snows of Kilimanjaro (USA: complete title)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1952 September, 17
114 minutes
Adventure / Drama / Romance / War
Production Company:


As writer Harry Street lays gravely wounded from an African hunting accident he feverishly reflects on what he perceives as his failures at love and writing. Through his delirium he recalls his one true love Cynthia Green who he lost by his obsession for roaming the world in search of stories for his novels. Though she is dead Cynthia continues to haunt Street's thoughts. In spite of one successful novel after another, Street feels he has compromised his talent to ensure the success of his books, making him a failure in his eyes. His neglected wife Helen tends to his wounds, listens to his ranting, endures his talk of lost loves, and tries to restore in him the will to fight his illness until help arrives. Her devotion to him makes him finally realize that he is not a failure. With his realization of a chance for love and happiness with Helen, he regains his will to live. - IMDb

Созерцая великую Африканскую вершину, писатель Гарри Смит окружен своими воспоминаниями о прожитой жизни, ведь он понимает, что он ранен в ногу и его рана смертельна. Гангрена. Перед глазами героя проходят образы прошлых лет, возвращая его то к воспоминаниям о войне, то в знойную Испанию, где он встретил свою истинную любовь Синтию Грин. После ее трагической гибели он потерял интерес к жизни. В поисках сюжетов для своих книг, он путешествует по миру в сопровождении своей жены Элен. И вот он пришел к подножию Килиманджаро. Африканская саванна встретила его грандиозными ландшафтами с безмятежно пасущимися стадами животных. Но размышления героя, стоящего на пороге смерти, о вечном: — всегда ли он делал добро людям? Не был ли он с ними жесток? Был ли в его жизни смысл? Не зря ли он существовал на земле?

As Neves do Kilimanjaro Brazil
As Neves do Kilimanjaro Portugal
Ernest Hemingway'n Kilimanjaron lumet (video box title) Finland
Ernest Hemingway's The Snows of Kilimanjaro (complete title) USA
Kilimandsaron lumet (alternative spelling) Finland
Kilimandzaron lumet (alternative spelling) Finland
A Kilimandzsáró hava Hungary
Kilimanjaro (transliterated title) Greece
Kilimanjaro'nun Karları Turkey
Kilimanjaron lumet Finland
Las nieves del Kilimanjaro Argentina
Las nieves del Kilimanjaro Spain
Las nieves del Kilimanjaro Mexico
Les neiges du Kilimandjaro Belgium
Les neiges du Kilimandjaro Belgium
Les neiges du Kilimandjaro Canada
Les neiges du Kilimandjaro France
Le nevi del Chilimangiaro Italy
Schnee am Kilimandscharo Austria
Schnee am Kilimandscharo West Germany
Sneen på Kilimanjaro Denmark
De Sneeuw van de Kilimanjaro Belgium
Snegovi Kilimandzara (literal title) Yugoslavia
Snegovi Kilimandžara Serbia
Śniegi Kilimandżaro Poland
Snön på Kilimanjaro Sweden
The Snows of Kilimanjaro Australia
The Snows of Kilimanjaro Canada
The Snows of Kilimanjaro Ecuador
The Snows of Kilimanjaro United Kingdom
The Snows of Kilimanjaro USA
Ta hionia tou Kilimanjaro Greece
Zăpezile de pe Kilimanjaro Romania
Κιλιμάντζαρο Greece
Снега Килиманджаро Soviet Union
Снеговете на Килиманджаро Bulgaria
キリマンジャロの雪(1952) Japan
킬리만자로의 눈 South Korea

Children's Cast:

Charles Bates [17] Harry at Seventeen
