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Korunní princ (TV)

The Crown Prince (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2015 December, 24
Czech Republic
Comedy / Family / Fantasy
Production Company:

Somewhere in the Forbidden Forest lives a wicked sorcerer Kruciatus (Josef Abrhám). One hundred years ago he tried to destroy a kingdom now ruled by King Alexander (Jaromír Hanzlík), who has two sons - the heir of the throne Prince Jan (Patrik Dergel) and the younger Prince Karel (Krystof Hádek). Karel is not satisfied with his role of the underrated second-placer. With the help of his servant Pakosta (Pavel Kríz), he breaks into the forbidden chamber full of magical properties, remaining there after the evil wizard, and intends to destroy his brother in order to get the throne for himself. - IMDb

Crown Prince  
The Crown Prince United Kingdom
The Crown Prince Ireland
The Crown Prince USA
The Crown Prince  
The Crown Prince Australia
The Crown Prince Canada
Karonny prync Belarus
A Koronaherceg Hungary
Korunní princ Czechoslovakia
Korunný princ Slovakia
Kronprincis Latvia
Kronprinsen Denmark
Kronprinsen Norway
Kronprinsen Sweden
Der Kronprinz Austria
Der Kronprinz Switzerland
Der Kronprinz West Germany
Kronski princ Slovenia
De Kroonprins Netherlands
Kroonprints Estonia
Kruununprinssi Finland
Nastepca tronu Poland
O Príncipe Herdeiro Brazil
O Príncipe Herdeiro Portugal
Princ nastupnik Ukraine
Le prince héritier Belgium
Le prince héritier Canada
Le prince héritier France
Il principe ereditario Italy
El Príncipe heredero Spain
El Príncipe heredero Mexico
Princt prestolonaslednik Bulgaria
Prințul moștenitor Romania
Putra Mahkota Indonesia
Sosto ipedinis Lithuania
Veliaht Prens Turkey
Ο πρίγκιπας του στέμματος Greece
Принцът престолонаследник Bulgaria
皇太子殿下 Japan

Children's Cast:

Matyás Svoboda prince Karel as a kid
