The series begins when the alien Ultraman pursues an alien monster to Earth. In the pursuit, he crashes with Hayata, an officer of the Science Patrol who is investigating the chase. To make amends for the accident, the alien gives his life force to the human along with his regular form and powers should he ever need it. This linking proves to be a most fortuitous event as the monster being pursued is but the first of a wave of destructive monsters and aliens that attack the planet. Hayata investigates sightings of these beasts as part of the Patrol who fights these threats with the advanced weapons at their disposal. However, the monsters often prove too strong for the Earth forces to stop. When that happens, Hiyata uses the beta capsule given to him by the alien. When he activates it, he transforms to the giant superhero, Ultraman, who wields the power necessary to protect Earth. - IMDb
Bemular | Japan |
Bemurâ | Japan |
Kagaku Tokusô Tai: Bemurâ | Japan |
Reddoman | Japan |
Redman | Japan |
Science Investigation Team: Bemular | Japan |
Ultraman | Argentina |
Ultraman | Brazil |
Ultraman | Canada |
Ultraman | Spain |
Ultraman | United Kingdom |
Ultraman | USA |
Ultraman | |
Ultraman: A Special Effects Fantasy Series | USA |
Ultraman: A Special Effects Fantasy Series (complete title) | |
Urutoraman (short title) | Japan |
Urutoraman: Kûsô tokusatsu shirîzu | West Germany |
Urutoraman: Kûsô tokusatsu shirîzu | Ecuador |
Urutoraman: Kûsô tokusatsu shirîzu | Italy |
Urutoraman: Kûsô tokusatsu shirîzu | Canada |
Woo | Japan |
Ультрамен | Soviet Union |
Ультрамен | Ukraine |
ウルトラマン | Japan |
ウルトラマン 空想特撮シリーズ | Japan |
初代奥特曼 (informal title) | China |
大超人 | Taiwan |
奥特曼 | China |
奥特曼:空想特摄系列 (complete title) | China |
超人 | Hong Kong |
超人力霸王 | Taiwan |
超力神勇俠 | Hong Kong |
飛天超空人 | Taiwan |
Chiharu Inayoshi | Osamu Suzuki (TV Episode: Kaijû denka - Zenpen) (1967) | |
Yoshinobu Kaneko [11] | Zerosen (TV Episode: Kyôfu no uchûsen) (1966) |