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The Letter for the King (TV series)

The Letter for the King (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2020 March, 20
Production Company:

Tiuri, a teenage squire, answers a call for help that sends him on a perilous mission across the three kingdoms to deliver a secret letter to the King. - IMDb

Тиури поручают доставить жизненно важное послание в мире, где идёт жестокая война между тремя королевствами.

Brevet till kungen Sweden
Der Brief für den König West Germany
Carta al rey Argentina
Carta al rey Spain
Carta al Rey Ecuador
Carta ao Rei Brazil
L'écuyer du Roi France
Krala Mektup Turkey
The Letter for the King India
The Letter for the King Mexico
The Letter for the King Netherlands
The Letter for the King Philippines
The Letter for the King Singapore
The Letter for the King USA
The Letter for the King South Africa
The Letter for the King United Arab Emirates
The Letter for the King Australia
The Letter for the King Canada
The Letter for the King Canada
The Letter for the King United Kingdom
The Letter for the King Indonesia
The Letter for the King Israel
The Letter for the King India
Lettera al re Italy
Levél a királynak Hungary
List do króla Poland
Γράμμα για τον βασιλιά Greece
Письмо королю Russia
國王的信使 Taiwan
王への手紙 Japan

Children's Cast:

Nathanael Saleh [14] Piak
Amir Wilson [15] Tiuri (TV Episode: 1.1) (2019)
Victoria Revellese Milou (TV Episode: Danger Knights) (2020)
