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Midnight's Child (TV)

Midnight's Child (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1992 April, 21
89 minutes
Horror / Thriller


Kate and her artist husband are busy working parents. Everything seems to be going fine, going about their daily lives. Then, Anna, the Swedish nanny that Kate hired to care for their daughter, comes into their lives. She tells Christina odd stories, and dazzles her with gifts and her strange picture book. Kate is having awful visions, her husband is acting weird, and her daughter is slowly drawing away from her. Her investigation of Anna only leads to a bizzare Satanic plot. Is there anyone she can trust? - IMDb

Кейт и Ник, благополучная американская семейная пара выписывает из Швеции гувернантку для их 8-летней дочери Кристины. С каждым днем пребывания в доме Анны, кроткого поначалу существа, Кейт начинает ощущать растущее психологическое напряжение. Тут замешаны мистические силы, посланцем которых и выступает Анна.

Cambio de niñera Spain
Az Éjszaka lánya Hungary
L'enfant de la nuit Canada
Midnight Child Sweden
Midnight's Child USA
La niña de la medianoche Spain
La niñera del diablo Mexico
La niñera del diablo Venezuela
Uma Noiva Para Satã Brazil
Дитя полуночи Russia

Children's Cast:

Elisabeth Moss [9] Christina
