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Every Christmas Has a Story (TV)

Every Christmas Has a Story (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2016 November, 12
82 minutes
Comedy / Romance

Kate Harper, a television personality, is sent to a small town in North Dakota to discover her Christmas spirit after accidently being caught on live TV saying she dislikes Christmas. Along the way, she reconciles with her college boyfriend and father while finding her Christmas sprit. - IMDb

À la recherche de l'esprit de Noël France
Cada Navidad tiene una historia Spain
Christmas Makeover Norway
Every Christmas Has a Story USA
Una historia entrañable Spain
Jede Weihnachtszeit hat ihre Geschichte (literal title) West Germany
A Magia do Natal Brazil
No Coração do Natal (new title) Portugal
Una strana storia di Natale Switzerland
Una strana storia di Natale Italy
Świąteczna historia Poland
Toda Navidad tiene una historia Argentina
Vsak bozic je zgodba zase Slovenia
Die Weihnachtsstory West Germany
Празнично сияние Bulgaria
У кожного Різдва своя історія Ukraine

Children's Cast:

Dakota Guppy [10] Young Girl
