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Álbum de Família

Álbum de Família (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

88 minutes

Senhorinha (Dina Sfat), wife of Jonah (Rubens Correia), witnesses the decline of oligarchic family structure. His son William (Mark Alvisi), to escape the passion he feels for Glory (Lucélia Santos), her sister, decides to enter the seminary. Jonas, as a way of sublimating his love for Gloria, takes her to a convent school. Moreover, he eats of the girls in the region with the complicity of Ruth (Wanda Lacerda), her sister, who loves silent. Edmund (Charles Gregory), the eldest son, married Heloise, but for intensely loving mother shows up impotent on their wedding night. Nono (Gustavo Jose), the youngest son, runs the farm pastures crazed. Upon return of the seminar, William decides to expel Ruth home, accusing her of having cursed family. Have Edmundo also back home, articulates with the Jonas mother's death. - IMDb

Aile Albümü Turkey
Álbum de Família Brazil
Álbum de Família United Kingdom
Family Album  

Children's Cast:

Miriam Ficher [17]
