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The Brave (TV series 2017-2018)

The Brave (United Kingdom)
For God And Country (USA: alternative spelling)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2017 September, 25
43 minutes
Action / Drama / Thriller / War

The complex world of our bravest military heroes who make personal sacrifices while executing the most challenging and dangerous missions behind enemy lines. - IMDb

Bojovník Slovakia
The Brave United Kingdom
The Brave Hong Kong
The Brave Indonesia
The Brave India
The Brave India
The Brave Italy
The Brave South Korea
The Brave Netherlands
The Brave Philippines
The Brave Poland
The Brave United Arab Emirates
The Brave Sweden
The Brave Singapore
The Brave Turkey
The Brave Taiwan
The Brave USA
The Brave South Africa
The Brave Australia
The Brave Canada
The Brave Canada
The Brave West Germany
The Brave Ecuador
The Brave Spain
The Brave France
Cei bravi Romania
For God and Country  
For God And Country (alternative spelling) USA
Odvážny Slovakia
Za nepřátelskou linií Czechoslovakia
Za nepriateľskou čiarou Slovakia
Отважные Russia
Смелите Bulgaria
ザ・ブレイブ: エリート特殊部隊 Japan

Children's Cast:

Chiara Aurelia [16] Verina Curtis (TV Episode: Close to Home: Part 1) (2018)
