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Der Bestatter (TV series)

The Undertaker (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

A detective leaves the force to take over the family business as an undertaker at the same time as he is being investigated for murder. His close encounters with corpses and his earlier police training lead him to see things some of his ex-colleagues miss and he investigates the crimes he encounters in an unofficial capacity often to the dismay of he official police. - IMDb

Der Bestatter Canada
Der Bestatter West Germany
Der Bestatter Ecuador
Der Bestatter Italy
Der Bestatter Switzerland
The Undertaker USA
The Undertaker  

Children's Cast:

Luna Wedler [17] Katharina Feldmann (TV Episode: Falsche Freunde) (2016)
Luna Paiano [11] Luna (TV Episode: Wer zuletzt lacht) (2017)
