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Advise & Consent

Advise & Consent (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1962 May, 8
139 minutes
Drama / Thriller
Production Company:


Video (1)

Robert Leffingwell is the president's candidate for Secretary of State. Prior to his approval, he must first go through a Senate investigation to determine if he's qualified. Leading the Senate committee is idealistic Senator Brig Anderson, who soon finds himself unprepared for the political dirt that's revealed, including Leffingwell's past affiliations with a Communist organization. When Leffingwell testifies about his political leanings, he proves his innocence. Later, however, Anderson learns that he lied under oath and even asks the president to withdraw Leffingwell for consideration, especially after the young senator begins receiving blackmail threats about a skeleton in his own closet. - IMDb

Advise & Consent Australia
Advise & Consent Canada
Advise & Consent United Kingdom
Advise & Consent USA
Advise and Consent (alternative spelling)  
Burza nad Waszyngtonem Poland
Myrskyä Washingtonissa Finland
Predlog i pristanak (literal title) Yugoslavia
Prijedlog i usvajanje Croatia
Sfatuieste si aproba (literal title) Romania
Storm over Washington Denmark
Storm over Washington Norway
Storm över Washington Finland
Storm över Washington Sweden
Sturm über Washington Austria
Sturm über Washington West Germany
Tempesta sobre Washington Spain
Tempesta su Washington Italy
Tempestad sobre Washington Spain
Tempestade Sobre Washington Brazil
Tempestade Sobre Washington Portugal
Tempête à Washington France
Thyella stin Washington (transliterated title) Greece
Tormenta sobre Washington Colombia
Tormenta sobre Washington Cuba
Tormenta sobre Washington Mexico
Tormenta sobre Washington Panama
Tormenta sobre Washington Venezuela
Tormenta sobre Washington Argentina
Washingtonda fırtına Turkey
Yabô no keiretsu Japan
Совет и согласие Soviet Union
野望の系列 Japan

Children's Cast:

Eddie Hodges [15] Johnny Leffingwell
