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Dvoboj za Juznu prugu

Battle for the Railway (United Kingdom)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1978 June, 30
106 minutes
Romance / War
Production Company:

Partisans in southern Serbia and Macedonia get order, in Autumn of 1941. from the Headquorters, which requests constant disabling of traffic communications. Among them, tactically important are Nis-Skopje-Salonika and Nis-Pirot-Sofia railroads. The battle for this southern railroad, between the Partisans on one side, and German, Bulgarian and quisling formations on other, was ruthless and meant the strike on German communication system artery as well as contribution to faster freedom arrival... - IMDb

Battle for the Railway United Kingdom
Battle for the Railway USA
Battle for the Railway  
Deckname Feuervogel West Germany
Durchbruch im Morgengrauen West Germany
Dvoboj za Juznu prugu Yugoslavia
Dvoboj za Juznu prugu Serbia
Kesselschlacht am Balkan West Germany
O Comboio dos Traidores Portugal
Pojedynek o poludniowy szlak Poland
The South Railway Battle (video box title) Netherlands
Vér a síneken Hungary

Children's Cast:

Rialda Kadric [15] Mlada partrizanka
