Big Foot |
Giant of the 20th Century |
Ice Man |
Ice-Man - Gigant des 20. Jahrhunderts |
West Germany |
Ice-Man - Gigant of the 20th Century |
Netherlands |
Kar adam Yeti |
Turkey |
Lumimies |
Finland |
Snömannen |
Sweden |
Yeti |
Australia |
Yeti (video box title) |
Finland |
Yeti |
United Kingdom |
Yeti |
Norway |
Yeti (video box title) |
Sweden |
Yeti - Der Schneemensch kommt |
Austria |
Yeti - Der Schneemensch kommt |
West Germany |
Yeti - Il gigante del 20° secolo |
Italy |
Yéti - Le géant d'un autre monde |
France |
Yeti - O Monstro do Século 20 |
Brazil |
Yeti, omul zăpezilor (poster title) |
Romania |
Yeti: el abominable hombre de las nieves |
Mexico |
Yeti: El abominable hombre de las nieves |
Spain |
Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century |
Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century |
Canada |
Yéti: Le Géant d'un Autre Monde |
Canada |
Yeti: The Giant of the 20th Century |
Γιέτι, ο γίγας των παγετώνων |
Greece |