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Yeti - Il gigante del 20° secolo

Giant of the 20th Century (USA)
Ice Man (USA)
Yeti (Australia)
Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1977 December, 23
118 minutes
Adventure / Fantasy
Production Company:

Professor Wassermann (John Stacy) is asked by industry magnate Morgan Hunnicut (Eddie Faye) to lead an expedition to study the giant Yeti creature found frozen in a large ice block on Newfoundland's coast. The professor does not know that Hunnicut intends to use the prehistoric creature as a trademark of its multinational industrial group. A very big mistake. - IMDb

Big Foot  
Giant of the 20th Century USA
Ice Man USA
Ice-Man - Gigant des 20. Jahrhunderts West Germany
Ice-Man - Gigant of the 20th Century Netherlands
Kar adam Yeti Turkey
Lumimies Finland
Snömannen Sweden
Yeti Australia
Yeti (video box title) Finland
Yeti United Kingdom
Yeti Norway
Yeti (video box title) Sweden
Yeti - Der Schneemensch kommt Austria
Yeti - Der Schneemensch kommt West Germany
Yeti - Il gigante del 20° secolo Italy
Yéti - Le géant d'un autre monde France
Yeti - O Monstro do Século 20 Brazil
Yeti, omul zăpezilor (poster title) Romania
Yeti: el abominable hombre de las nieves Mexico
Yeti: El abominable hombre de las nieves Spain
Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century USA
Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century Canada
Yéti: Le Géant d'un Autre Monde Canada
Yeti: The Giant of the 20th Century  
Γιέτι, ο γίγας των παγετώνων Greece

Children's Cast:

Antonella Interlenghi [16] Jane
Jim Sullivan Herbie
