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Garde à vue

The Grilling (USA)
The Inquisitor (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1981 August, 1
87 minutes
Crime / Drama / Thriller
Production Company:

Inspector Gallien is investigating the rape and murder of two little girls. The only suspect is attorney Jerome Martinaud, but the evidence against him is circumstantial. As the city celebrates New Year's Eve, Gallien calls Martinaud to his office and interrogates him for hour after hour while Martinaud continues to maintain his innocence. We learn all about the evidence; we meet Martinaud's wife and learn all about the rift between the two; but will we, and Gallien, finally learn whether Martinaud is guilty? - IMDb

Накануне Нового года инспектор полиции Антуан Гальен, расследующий убийство двух детей, вызывает нотариуса Жерома Мартино в качестве свидетеля по этому делу. Но на допросе выясняется, что Мартино подозревают в убийстве…

Arresto preventivo Spain
Cidadão Sob Custódia Brazil
Garde à vue France
Garde à vue Canada
The Grilling USA
Guardato a vista Italy
I anakrisi (transliterated title) Greece
The Inquisitor Australia
The Inquisitor Canada
The Inquisitor United Kingdom
The Inquisitor India
The Inquisitor  
El Interrogatorio: bajo custodia Mexico
Korkunç şüphe Turkey
Mistænkt Denmark
Őrizetbevétel Hungary
Pritvor Yugoslavia
Przesłuchanie w noc sylwestrową Poland
Saslusanje Yugoslavia
Sem Culpa Formada Portugal
Svědek Czechoslovakia
Svedok Slovakia
To ainigma (transliterated title) Greece
Under Suspicion  
Das Verhör West Germany
Das Verhör West Germany
A Vizsgálóbíró Hungary
Η ανάκριση Greece
Το αίνιγμα Greece
Задержан по подозрению в убийстве (premiere title) Russia
Инспекторът Bulgaria
Под предварительным следствием Soviet Union
Разпитът Bulgaria
夜審 Taiwan
検察官 Japan
検察官 レイプ殺人事件 Japan

Children's Cast:

Elsa Lunghini [8] Camille
