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The Garden

The Garden (Australia)
River to Havilah (USA)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2006 March, 17
92 minutes
Drama / Horror / Thriller
Production Company:


Photos (1)

The boy Sam is tormented by dreadful visions and nightmares and self-inflicts injures to his body. After a period in the hospital, Dr. Cairns tells Sam's father David that the boy is affected by the divorce of his parents and a period together with him would be good for Sam. David travels with Sam in his truck but Sam sees a spirit on the road and pulls the steering wheel off his father, provoking a car accident. Out of the blue, the farmer Ben Zachary rescues them and offers a job to David in his farm. He accepts the offer and enrolls Sam at the local school. Sam has Bible classes with Miss Grace Chapman and sooner he leans that Mr. Zachary is the devil and the place is the Garden of Eden. Further, Zachary has an evil plan for David. - IMDb

Сэму часто снились кошмары, а когда они с отцом-алкоголиком переехали на ранчо загадочного Бена Закари, его кошмары обрели плоть. Это очень древнее место, и говорят, что в самом начале здесь был Эдем, у его ворот всегда толпилось много нечисти, но им нужен кто-то невинный, кто бы впустил их туда...

La cosecha (The garden) Spain
The Garden Australia
The Garden Canada
The Garden United Kingdom
The Garden Philippines
The Garden Singapore
The Garden USA
The Garden South Africa
Jardim do Mal Brazil
Le jardin des ténèbres France
Le jardin du Mal Canada
En las fauces del horror Mexico
Mahşerin atlısı Turkey
O fylakas Greece
Ogród Poland
Die Reiter der Apokalypse West Germany
River to Havilah USA
La semilla del mal Spain
Последнее пророчество Russia

Children's Cast:

Adam Taylor Gordon [12] Sam
Victoria Justice [13] Holly
