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Paragraph 218 - Wir haben abgetrieben, Herr Staatsanwalt

Female Revolution (Australia)
Girls in Trouble (USA)
In Trouble (USA: short title)
The Joy of Love (USA)
Sex and the Female Revolution (Australia: theatrical title)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1971 September, 2
West Germany
83 minutes

This movie chronicles several pregnant women on their quest to have an abortion. Some got pregnant by accident, others were raped. Sure to offend anti-abortionists, pro-lifers, feminists and chauvinists alike. The portions of the movie that deal with European folk remedies to pregnancy are especially interesting. - IMDb

Aux innocents les mains pleines Belgium
Female Revolution Australia
Female Revolution (première title) Hong Kong
Girls in Trouble USA
In Trouble (short title) USA
J'ai avorté monsieur le procureur France
The Joy of Love USA
Paragraph 218 - Wir haben abgetrieben, Herr Staatsanwalt West Germany
Sex and the Female Revolution (theatrical title) Australia
Signor procuratore, abbiamo abortito! Italy
Wir haben abgetrieben, Herr Staatsanwalt (short title) West Germany

Children's Cast:

Petra Verena Milchert [13]
