An all-enveloping darkness. Suddenly, a child's voice, frightened, questioning, pierces the darkness... The first flickering rays of light begin to sculpt mysterious shapes out of the darkness ... Among them, a very old man. He reassures the child, exhorting him to see the wonders of the earth. And it is with this child's eyes that we will witness the creation of the world. Nature comes to life at the first light of dawn, recreating the seven days of the Creation. Adam appears, and is soon joined by Eve. Paradise could be theirs, but as time goes by, they grow restless, inquisitive... They approach the Tree of Knowledge - and discover pain, suffering and mortality. Their sons Cain and Abel play out a story that will continue to darken the Creation until the end of time. And angered by the corruption of Cain's progeny, by the lust and greed ruling the cities, God vows to wipe away his creatures and begin anew. With Noah and his family. The ark is built, the animals led into their pens, and the rain begins beating on the timbers, flooding the land, bringing fear and death. When the rains have devastated the world, the waters recede, the ark touches ground, and the dove sent out by Noah returns with an olive branch - the sign of new life and of a new pact with God. - IMDb
История сотворения мира, поведанная весьма пожилым бедуином, скитающимся вместе с племенем по живописным местностям, пересекая целебные оазисы, завораживающие пустыни, колоритные развалины и бесконечные караванные пути. Словоохотливый старец, подобно сказочной Шахерезаде, еженощно рассказывает благодарным слушателям космогонические истории божественного промысла, а так же поучительные предания о деяниях патриархов. Архаичная жизнь кочующего народа отсылает зрителей к ветхозаветных временах, придавая особую достоверность древнейшим сказаниям.
Rating | Percentage % | Votes |
10 | 0% | 0 |
9 | 0% | 0 |
8 | 0% | 0 |
7 | 0% | 0 |
6 | 100% | 1 |
5 | 0% | 0 |
4 | 0% | 0 |
3 | 0% | 0 |
2 | 0% | 0 |
1 | 0% | 0 |
1 |
Die Bibel - Die Schöpfung | West Germany |
Die Bibel - Genesis | West Germany |
Bibeln - Genesis | Sweden |
The Bible Collection: Genesis | |
The Bible: Genesis | Australia |
Bíblia Sagrada - Gênesis | Brazil |
A Biblia: A teremtés és a vízözön | Hungary |
La biblia: Génesis | Spain |
La genèse | France |
Genesi: La creazione e il diluvio | Ecuador |
Genesi: La creazione e il diluvio | Italy |
Genesis | USA |
Gênesis | Brazil |
Gênesis: O Nascimento Do Mundo | Brazil |
Genesis: The Creation and the Flood | Philippines |
Genesis: The Creation and the Flood | USA |
Genezis - od stworzenia do potopu | Poland |
Raamattu: Luomiskertomus | Finland |
Raamattu: Maailman synty ja vedenpaisumus | Finland |
Γένεσις | Greece |
Η Βίβλος: Γένεση | Greece |
Η Βίβλος: Γένεσις | Greece |
Книга буття: Створення Світу | Ukraine |
Книга Бытия: Сотворение мира | Russia |