2 gigantes sygrouontai (transliterated title) |
Greece |
Barreira do medo |
Portugal |
Cabo de miedo |
Cabo de miedo |
Venezuela |
Cabo de miedo |
Mexico |
El Cabo del terror |
Spain |
Le cap de la terreur (literal title) |
France |
Cape Fear |
Australia |
Cape Fear |
Canada |
Cape Fear |
Ecuador |
Cape Fear |
Finland |
Cape Fear |
United Kingdom |
Cape Fear |
Netherlands |
Cape Fear |
Cape Fear - tuomitun kosto |
Finland |
Capul fricii |
Romania |
Círculo do Medo |
Brazil |
Den dömdas hämnd |
Finland |
The Executioners |
Farlig främling |
Sweden |
Frygtens terror |
Denmark |
I fryktens skygge |
Norway |
Ein Köder für die Bestie |
West Germany |
Ein Köder für die Bestie |
West Germany |
Korkusuzlar |
Turkey |
Kyôfu no misaki |
Japan |
Mys Hrôzy |
Slovakia |
Mys Hrůzy |
Czechoslovakia |
Les nerfs à vif |
Canada |
Les nerfs à vif |
France |
Il promontorio della paura |
Italy |
Promontoriul Groazei |
Romania |
Przylądek strachu |
Poland |
Rettegés foka |
Hungary |
Rt straha (literal title) |
Yugoslavia |
Terror |
Argentina |
To akrotiri tou fovou (transliterated title) |
Greece |
Tuomitun kosto |
Finland |
Δυο γίγαντες συγκρούονται |
Greece |
Το ακρωτήρι του φόβου (reissue title) |
Greece |
Мис страху |
Ukraine |
Мыс страха |
Soviet Union |
Нос Страх |
Bulgaria |
Рт страха |
Serbia |
恐怖の岬 |
Japan |
恐怖角 |
Taiwan |
케이프 피어 |
South Korea |