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Hannah Can You Hear Me?

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

2018 December, 15
Short / Drama
Production Company:
$ 100 000

A young single mother, who is being taken advantage of and pushed to the absolute literal breaking point, is looking to do everything in her power to provide for her son, Charlie. The counterbalance is a child only acting as children do, oblivious to the future, but ever present in knowing that all is not fair and right in the world. The tack on the counterbalance is Charlie's humorous nature and his ability to love his mother for exactly who she is, nothing more. Hence, the laughter and joy that they both feel during the times they were able to share, dancing or Charlie, albeit mean-spiritedly but nevertheless with good intentions to make his mother laugh with practical jokes. Years go by, Hannah reached her breaking point finding good fortune in the fact that her son never gave up looking for her. He finds her wearing a necklace that he gave her as a child, a golden star, exactly what Charlie becomes, A STAR. - IMDb

Children's Cast:

Mathieu Silverman Orphan Boy
