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The Vanishing American

The Vanishing American (USA)
The Vanishing Race (Australia)

My Rating: /10
Rating:  awaiting 3 votes    IMDb

1925 October, 15
110 minutes
Production Company:

History, as portrayed in this film, has been a succession of conquests of stronger races over weaker ones. As played out on the stage of Monument Valley, long ago, tribes of Indians defeated the ancient cliff dwellers; then came the Europeans to conquer the Indians. Now, in the early 20th Century, a tribe of Navajo live on a reservation overseen by an Indian-hating agent, Booker. He and his men steal the best Indian horses for their own profit. Nophaie, a tribal leader, complains to Booker's higher-ups, but he is unable to gain fair treatment from the whites. When World War I breaks out, an Army captain comes west in search of the horses that Booker was supposed to have bought from the Indians for a fair price. Marian Warner, the teacher at the Indian School, has befriended Nophaie, teaching him to read; she convinces him that the Great War is a fight for a more just world, and that, when that world comes, the Indian will be better treated. Nophaie not only brings horses for the Army, he and many other Indians enlist, and distinguish themselves in battle. But when they come back after the war is over, they find life for Indians even worse than when they left. Surely, they feel, it is time to fight back. But Nophaie is not so sure. - IMDb

Alma Cabocla Brazil
Ginący Amerykanin Poland
O Declínio de Uma Raça Portugal
El Ocaso de una raza Spain
La race qui meurt France
Den siste hövdingen Sweden
Der Untergang der roten Rasse Austria
The Vanishing American USA
The Vanishing Race Australia
The Vanishing Race United Kingdom
Исчезающий американец Soviet Union

Children's Cast:

Peggy Ahern [8]
